The SlamBangian top4, Háfjall, Holmen, Holberg and Holmen all know to that satisfying moment when they clinch the final point and they win a tournament. Having achieved their objective, they will hope for a nice trophy to act as a memento. Even at small tournaments the victory is crowned with a trophy as the organizers usually recognize that the players like something to put in their display cabinet at home. In the SlamBangian Circus, there is a distinction between the Grand SlamBang events and the majority of others. Grand SlamBang tournaments have the prestigious, historic Golden Racket which is never let out of sight. Many of the other leading events tend to be happy to supply a new trophy each year, and will periodically revise its design.
The trophy at the Australian Open are named after a famous star from the entertainment industry. The men’s single champion receives the Sarah Young Trophy, named after the famed pornstar of the 80ties. The male double’s winner is awarded the John Holmes Memorial Cup, which is named after the famed movie-star who sadly died at a young age.
Jaaaaa. Das ist geil :-)...........
han har da pæne knæ ham med håret...
is the greek man still wc ?
Yes he is! But Saturday he is not!
Merci adam ::/
i am ellinika::athen good luck for yuorgos::/
I am looking forward to see the German Champion winning it all.
Good luck Von Grossen Cock.
Keine Schweinerei am sammtag !!
Meister von der Leute
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